The first step was to drill a couple of holes in the firewall for the wires to pass through and to install grommets in the holes to protect the wires. I could not find the grommets. All I did find were 2 very small things labeled grommets that were not on my inventory sheet or covered in the manual, that I could tell. I went to a couple of autoparts stores looking to buy what I needed, but they did not have grommets that big. I posted a question on the Hurricane owners forums and eventually came to believe the grommets I have are for the sidepipe installation that comes much later.
I decided to flip through some old paper catalogs I have from some mail order autoparts stores and came across a picture of a wiring harness, similar to mine, that seemed to show the kind of grommets I would be needing. So I decided to look through my wiring harness kit again and found the grommets I needed all along in a bag with some electrical relays and switches. I felt stupid for overlooking them, but thrilled to be able to get back to working again.
The grommets proved to be just a little bit tricky and I did not have a hole saw or drill bit that was 1 3/8". I had 1 1/4 or 1 1/2. Rather than fiddle around with drilling it small and hand-widening it, I went to Sears and spent a few bucks for a new bit. The other problem was that the slit in the grommets was very small, so it only went around the aluminum sheets attached to the fiberglass on the firewall. So that meant I needed to cut the fiberglass hole about a 1/4" bigger than the aluminum. I did that with some die grinder trickery and now things seem to fit nicely.
Next I unpacked the wiring harness and stared at all of the wires trying to figure out what goes where. The instructions are okay, but there was no wiring diagram included with the harness by the manufacturer. A previous builder had done a beautiful 30"x36" PDF of it though, and Jerry was kind enough to print one out for me on his big plotter.
The next steps are pulling with wires together and through to their various locations. I also had to install some wire clamps to hold the plastic split looms that the wire runs in. Packing the wire into those was more time-consuming than you would think. It is a pretty tight fit. The first branch to be done is the one going to the front of the car for the headlights, bright and dim, turn signal lights, parking lights, and ground. There was also some cutting and splicing which it turns out I am not very good at.
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