Anyway, it was pretty easy. I had already bought some cheap header bolts that are the correct size, but unpopular with other builders because they tend to loosen too easily. We shall see. I do see that they are a huge pain in the neck to try to tighten once everything is in place. Here is a good picture showing the header in place with the spark wire in place.
You can see one bolt to the right of the plug in place and one hole to the left of the plug with no bolt. It is extremely tight in there and getting a socket may be terribly difficult, especially once the cockpit footbox is in the way.
In the end, I spent about a half an hour on this task, and another hour scouring the internet to double check that they were not upside down. They fit pretty nicely either way, and I would not have been the first builder to make that mistake. It turns out they are fine. Here is a finished picture that has been modified to show up a little better on the computer.
And big thanks to Gil Kleine who came by my house tonight and helped me move the cockpit out to the garage. The Passat is now sleeping outside, so pray for no hail.