Right now, the two wheels are sitting in my parts room. I still need to mount the cosmetic fiberglass wheel inserts and spinners that will make them look like Halibrands, the famous wheels that were on the original Cobras. And for the rear wheels, I am still undecided whether or not to mount the other two tires I bought last week, or to wait and see if I can't find a couple of bigger ones that most people put on the rear. There is no great rush.
On the rest of the build, I am kind of stalling. I need to make a final decision about getting the engine and transmission. The next step is to run the fuel lines, and for that you need to decide some engine issues, especially related to the fuel pump. There are so many different strategies on the engine, ranging from brand new $10,000 crate engines, to high mileage used ones needing some TLC that are almost free. It is really worth its own post, once I get my thinking organized.