The first step was to tape the panels in place.
Next, I drilled some holes and riveted the top of the panel to the frame.
Then came drilling a couple of holes through the front for later attaching the panels to the radiator. Sorry, but I did not get any good pictures of that.
Next came drilling some holes through the bottom of the panel, bolting the panel to the brackets that hold the bottom of the panel against the frame, and finally screwing the brackets into the holes in the frame. Here are some completed pics of the bottom.
The passenger side went quite easily (except for breaking my 11/64" drill bit and having to run to Sears and get another). I did the driver side second, and luckily, it seems that I just barely had the power steering pump clear the panel. Here is a picture of that and another showing the driver side from the outside.
The next step has to be to install the windshield wiper motors under the dash. Unfortunately, I will need help with this as the body has to be installed to drill the holes through which the wipers will eventually get mounted. I had hoped to be able to wait on this step until later, but everybody tells me that they really have to go in now as later there will be too much wiring in place to get the wiper motors in their right place.
These wipers are a notoriously weak part of these cars. They are a fairly complicated install and really aren't that necessary since a topless car shouldn't be driven much in the rain anyway. But Missouri requires them, so on they will go. Given the difficulty of this step, and my upcoming fantasy baseball draft, I don't think I will get much done on them for the next week or two.