Things were going swimmingly. Here are the parts for the front suspension build...
First I bench assembled the upper and lower control arms. Pretty simple. Next I installed them onto the frame. It took the usual bit of filing, deburring, more filing, but they seemed to fit reasonably well. Next I had to torque them to the proper foot/pound specification. Went very well. I am sort of getting the whole hang of things. Until.....
I was only paying 95% attention to the torqueing of the last bolt and the torque wrench, which I was pulling hard towards me, slipped off of the nut and I smacked myself right in the face. Here is the bloody evidence of my stupidity.
Kind of looks like the world's worst fever blister. Actually, it is not that bad, once I cleaned it up.
Anyway, I soldiered on and finished the control arm mountings, and also drilled a couple of holes for studs onto which the car horns will eventually be mounted.
The last steps for this section are to install the ball joints, spindles, and shocks. But this will have to wait until next week as it requires a special rare socket that is shared amongst all of the Hurricane builders. One guy bought it and each subsequent builder just uses it and forwards it on to the next guy. After all that, the next step will be the steering system.