I got a surprise this week--an email from the guy in Arnold (Art Gordon)who had the engine/transmission auction on Ebay that I bid on and came in 2nd. Well, now it looks like his supposed auction winner is going to be backing out. Not sure why.
So I told Art that I would still be interested his stuff and that I would live up to my highest bid which was $940. I was very comfortable bidding up to $900 at the time and went a little higher just to be sure that I would not regret losing out for one last bid. I also felt okay driving the eventual price up a tad to compensate Art for the time he spent with me talking about this project.
So it looks like I may have a deal on the engine and transmission afterall! I did get Art to agree to load it on his pickup and deliver it to my house, and I also got him to include the original driveshaft, which will have to be cut down, but does save me a little bit of money in not having to buy a brand new one. For another $100, he is tossing in his engine hoist. Saves me from having to spend $180plus for a new one at Sam's. Unfortunately for me, he had sold the shifter for the transmission with the interior stuff he was selling.
Assuming our deal goes through, probably by late this upcoming week, I will still need to acquire some things to make it all work. An engine wiring harness, a computer to control things, a shifter, speedometer cabling, perhaps some things to eliminate the PS, A/C, etc. But I have plenty of wiggle room on my original $3300 budget for this stuff, and should not have to think about touching the contingency budget.