When I finally got everything right, it went right in in less than 15 minutes. The only down part of that was learning that Dan was not too happy to be with me in the garage when I was working. He just layed out on the floor near my pool table while I worked. Probably for the best in the long run, since it wouldn't be all that safe for a little curious dog. Now the pics...
Two views of the driveshaft installed
A closeup of the endcap/U-joint all mated up.
I also affirmatively decided on installing a driveshaft safety loop and ordered one from JEGS on sale for $19.99. It may arrive today via Federal Express. I will need to use the rust proofing paint on that before installing it, and I will also take that time to touch up the frame. I had purchased a small can of the POR-15 a year ago that I never opened, so I am good to go on that as soon as the loop arrives.
After that, it will be time to tidy up the tranny, mount the cockpit tub, and mount the engine bay frame. Then it will be on to wiring and the steering system.