I took a nasty fall in my garage this past week and have banged up my ribs pretty good. I was wearing my spiked golf shoes while cutting my hilly back yard when I ran out of gas. So I went back to the garage and found I had more gas, but it had not yet been mixed with the engine oil for 2 stroke motors. I had some on the very top shelf and when I reached for it, my feet went out from under me and down I went. I landed with my ribs hitting on the wooden edge of the chair, badly bruising them. Sleeping and just breathing hurts, though I have had worse and it does seem to be getting some better.
On a brighter note, I did get my taxes done and most of my yard work prior to the injury. I hope to get feeling good enough this week to get back to the Cobra. I am inspired a bit by Paul Proefrock's car getting finished at the painter. Here is a pic of his car I grabbed off of a forum:

I suspect I will end up using the same painter. Seems a long way off though, sadly.
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