Nathan came over on Friday to help me with a two person job--installing the fuel tank onto the frame. It has to be raised into place from below and some metal straps get bent to hold it up. It went pretty smoothly. Here is Nathan drilling on of the holes for the straps and the finished product.
Next up was routing the fuel lines, brake lines, and emergency brake lines. I had been holding off on this for some missing clamps, but I ended up buying them at a cool Hot Rod shop that Paul told me about, Old Dog Street Rods. This took lots of drilling into the steel frame, including some from below that enticed Nathan and me to buy a right-angle drill attachment at Harbor Freight. It only cost 9.99 and is probably not worth that, but Nathan was able to get one hole drilled. I am still missing one part on the brake line, so another trip up north seems likely.
I was particularly proud of the job I did fabricating a missing bracket. A little piece of metal, sort of shaped like a Z, is needed to hold the brake line above the differential so that when it moves up and down, from hitting bumps in the road, the brake line moves with it. I was able to re-use a couple of extra brackets from my e-brake kit and a screw that acts as a spacer/stud to take its place. Here is a blurry pic...
I also got a message from my engine builder. They are done with their machine work and are set to assemble it now. They anticipate being done in another week or so, in time hopefully for them to bring it up here to STL when they come for the Run N Gun event at Gateway International Raceway. I am hoping to save some transportation costs that way.
Next up for me is to finish the brake lines after getting one more part, then running the battery cables. And yes, I am missing the connectors for them too, but it won't slow me down just yet. Then I will be about ready for engine installation. I still need to figure out the placement of the fuel pump and filter and buy them. Oh, and I will probably mount the rear tires on the wheels this week so I can put them on the frame too.
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