Saturday, July 7, 2007

7-7-2007--Fenton Cruise-In

Last night I went to my first car show (not counting the Wentzville show where I mainly just got drenched in the rain after seeing a handful of non-Cobra cars). I heard about it from the Gateway Factory Five Racing Owners Group (FFROG). It was at the big non-denominational church on Gravois, very near my house. I figured it would be a small gathering of a few vintage car people, but I figured I could start networking with a couple of local COBRA owners.

Boy, was I ever wrong. The show was huge and the crowds were enormous. There were HUNDREDS of vintage cars there. Maybe close to a thousand! There was even a waiting line for vintage cars to even get into the display area because there were no more spaces left! Dozens just parked in a line waiting for someone to leave. And the spectator parking lot was jammed too.

I spent an hour there. I saw 4 Cobras and met a couple of the owner/builders. Tom Keiser and Skip Wiese. Got a few tips from them on paint and licensing. Mainly just made contact, though.

The dumbest thing I did was forget my camera--sorry folks. There is a standard amongst this community that if there are no pictures (or video) that it just didn't happen. That just has not become second nature for me yet. Oh well, they have this car gathering every month on the first Friday, so I will try to go back next month with a camera.

1 comment:

Ange said...

You should know better...don't go to Wentzville for any reason. You're sure to be disappointed. :P