Sunday, October 31, 2010


I managed to basically finish off the brakes this week. I got the pushrods connected to the brake pedal easily after taking off the brake light switch that I had installed earlier. Essentially, I needed to be able to move the brake pedal up more than it was allowing in order to connect everything. Simple enough; I just wish the manual had said to wait on the brake light switch until after the master cylinders were in. There was no reason not to, and it made the MC install much easier.

I then ran the brake lines from the master cylinders to the previously run hard lines from a couple of years ago. Not much of a problem with that. I have not clamped everything down, but everything is run and tightened, so there won't be any trouble there. A small concern is that the lines running from the master cylinders are very very close to the exhaust headers coming off of the engine. Boiling the brake fluid is a bad idea, so I may end up doing something to keep them from getting too hot.

I should have taken a picture or two of the brake stuff, but while I was down under the car connecting the brake lines, I noticed a rather serious crack in the engine block. It is the bolt that connects the mechanical fuel pump to the engine block. The whole thing is cracked. I must have over-tightened this in November 2008 when I installed the fuel pump. I have a picture of that crack, but it does not show it very well.

I will have to wait and see if there is an oil leak. I am not that close to filling the engine with oil, so I guess I just mush on. I think the worst case is that I may have to have someone weld it back up. My guess is that I may be okay since the crack seems to all be on the outside of the block.